Facebook Privacy Settings Endorsed by Digital Helpmates

Facebook is a useful social tool which allows users to easily stay in touch with friends and family and stay up-to-date on news and events.

However, Facebook has been criticized for exposing users’ personal information to the public too easily. If you don’t configure your default privacy settings, you too could become a victim of a cybercriminal.

Here are some Facebook privacy settings Digital Helpmates recommends you use to help keep you and your information safe:

  • Don’t use the default privacy settings.
    Facebook’s default privacy settings are extremely permissive, so it’s important to review them regularly to make sure they’re set the way you want them. You can find your privacy settings by clicking on the Settings icon in the top right corner of Facebook, then clicking on Privacy.

  • Limit who can see your posts.
    By default, your Facebook posts are visible to everyone on the platform. However, you can change this setting so that only your friends, certain groups of friends, or only you can see your posts. To do this, go to Settings > Privacy > Who can see your posts? and select the audience you want.

  • Keep your profile information private (especially your friends list!).
    Your profile information, such as your name, birthdate, and hometown, and friends list is visible to everyone on Facebook by default. You can change this setting so that only your friends or only you can see this information. To do this, go to Settings > Privacy > Your Information and select the audience you want.

    Here are some additional tips to help you have a better experience and privacy on Facebook:

    • Be careful about what you share.
      Before you share anything on Facebook, think about who might be able to see it. If you’re not comfortable with everyone on Facebook seeing it, don’t share it.

    • Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication.
      Your Facebook password should be strong and unique. You should also enable two-factor authentication, which adds an extra layer of security to your account.

    • Use a pseudonym.
      If you’re concerned about your privacy, you can alter your name slightly on Facebook. Some people choose to use their first and middle name only, a different spelling of their name, or a nickname that only friends will know. This will make it more difficult for people you don’t know well to find you on the platform.

    • Limit the apps you connect to Facebook.
      When you connect an app to Facebook, you’re giving that app access to your personal information. Be careful about which apps you connect to Facebook, and only connect to apps that you trust.

    • Restrict old posts.
      If you’re concerned about your privacy, you can restrict old posts on your Facebook profile to be viewable by friends only. This will remove them from public view.

    By following these tips, you can help protect your privacy on Facebook and keep your personal information safe while still reading about Uncle John’s favorite sandwich.

Concerned about privacy? Check out this post on iPhone privacy updates!

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