Gaming for Older Adults

Video games and board games are often associated with children and young adults, but they can also be beneficial for older folks. In recent years, there has been a growing body of research on the cognitive and social benefits of online or mobile games for seniors.

Here are some of the benefits of video games for everyone:

There are a few things those aged 60+ can do to get the most out of playing video games:

  • Choose games that are appropriate for your skill level and interests. There are a variety of different video games available, so find one that is right for you. If you are new to video games, start with simple games that are easy to learn, like Katamari or 2048.
  • Play online, mobile or console games regularly. To get the most benefits from playing video games, you should play them regularly. Aim for at least 30 minutes of gameplay per day.
  • Play games with others. Playing video games with others can help to improve your social interaction and reduce loneliness. If you have friends or family members who play video games, try playing with them. There are also many online games that allow you to play with other people from all over the world, such as Chess or Backgammon. You can even play board games with people from around the world if that’s more your thing.

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